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This page sets out the terms for the use of the Site offered by Absconditus and the Services we offer.


What this document is and who we are: You are reading a legal document that is the agreement between you, the Client (whom we refer to as “you”, “your” or the “Customer” in this document) and us. You agree to the terms of use below, all of which are referred to as the “Agreement”. We are Absconditus and we are the operator of this Site and the provider of a variety of services related to the Site. Absconditus is a company registered in the United Kingdom with our registered office at Pueblo Nuevo, Edificio Acapulco, local 1 ground floor. We refer to ourselves as “Absconditus”, “we”, “us” or “our” in this document. Absconditus may assume all agreements, rights, obligations and liabilities under these Terms of Use from Truth Business Group, Inc. upon novation by written notice (posted on this Site or communicated by other means) with the result that only Absconditus you continue to have the right and obligation under these Terms and you irrevocably agree to the assignment and transfer of all rights, obligations and liabilities under such agreements.

What we do: We provide a platform (including this Site, mobile apps, etc.) where we provide a security platform, our services are charged on a recurring basis, this will be on the card you used for card verification. This means that, in addition to this Agreement, you will have other contractual relationships with different legal entities when you interact with the Site. If a payment is declined we will try again, this will be at unspecified times. we will not charge you more than 34.95EUR in a single transaction. We may also use successful transactions to cross-sell to other subscription productions within the products we operate.

What are all the legal relationships: Any item you purchase through the site will be subject to that seller’s terms and conditions. Since Absconditus is usually not a Seller, this means that your sales contract will most likely be made with a different legal representative. But please note that any contract formed upon completion of the sale of Items is solely between you and the Seller (and not Absconditus, unless Absconditus is the seller). The Seller is responsible for the sale and for dealing with any claim or other problem arising out of or in connection with the contract between you and the Seller. Please also note that with respect to purchases of a Product, in addition to the sales contract you will have with the Seller of the Product, there will also be a contract between you and the company that actually provides the Products when you redeem your Product. with that business (the “Merchant”). With respect to any Product, neither we nor any Seller assumes responsibility for any contract relating to the redemption of your Product with a Merchant. Finally, please understand that we are never the agent of the Seller or the Dealer.

What We Also Do: We may provide a forum for submitting or posting User Content, as well as send you newsletters and other communications. In order to send you emails, we need to know a little about you. Take a look at our data collection and processing practices in our Privacy Statement for more details.

Scope of Use: The Site and our Services are solely for your personal, non-commercial use and not for commercial purposes, except as separately permitted in writing. You may access the Site only through our application, standard web and mobile browsers, and similar consumer applications, but not with any robot, spider, offline reader, site search/retrieval application, or other manual device, tool, or process. or automatic to retrieve, index, or extract data from our Site, through scraping, spidering, or otherwise. By way of exception, revocable at any time by us, public search engine operators may use spiders to copy materials from the Site for the sole purpose and solely to the extent necessary to create publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of said materials.

Limited License: Notwithstanding any other terms of these Terms of Use, you are permitted to crawl, index, display, or cache the contents of this Site solely for the purpose of (i) displaying the Site as part of engine results search, and (ii) optimize (through Accelerated Mobile Pages, or otherwise) the delivery of the Site to other users of the Site. Absconditus reserves all rights, including copyright, in its HTML code and content (including code that is optimized for accelerated mobile pages) and nothing in these Terms of Use shall act as an express or implied waiver of any rights de Absconditus, or your ability to enforce the terms of these Terms of Use.

Prevention in use: We reserve the right to prevent you from using the Site and the Services (or any part of them).

Definitions: In this Agreement, we use various defined terms. You will know that they are defined because they start with a capital letter. All of these are defined within or at the end of this Agreement in section 13).

Applicable Law: This Agreement (and all non-contractual relationships between you and us) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.


Why Register: Depending on the particular functionality of our Site at any given time, you may or may not need to register to use much of its functionality or to access many of our Services. However, you must Register in order to make a purchase on the Site. We reserve the right to reject a new Registration or cancel an Account at any time. You register with us so you don’t have to re-enter your information every time you buy something.

How to Register: To register, you must provide us with your name, zip code, email address, and other personal information.

Passwords: During registration, you will also need to provide us with your password. You must keep the password confidential and notify us immediately if an unauthorized third party learns of that password or if there is an unauthorized use of your email address or any breach of security of which you are aware. You agree that we are not responsible in the event that a person to whom your password is disclosed uses (and/or transacts through) our Services and Site. Please note that you are fully responsible if you do not maintain the confidentiality of your password.

Valid Email Addresses: All accounts must be registered with a valid personal email address that you access regularly. Any account registered with someone else’s email address or with temporary email addresses may be closed without notice. We may require users to re-validate their Accounts if we believe they have been using an invalid email address.

Emails: Absconditus may send you administrative and promotional emails. We may also send you information about your Account activity and purchases, as well as updates about our Site and Services or other promotional offers. We may also send you information about purchases you have made. (You can opt out of receiving promotional emails from us at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any such email.)

Push Notifications: When you have consented, Absconditus may send you promotional push notifications on your mobile device(s) for general and location-based offers. You can opt out of receiving our promotional push notifications at any time by changing the preferences on your mobile device.


User Content: The Site may provide account holders and visitors to the Site with various opportunities to submit or post reviews, opinions, advice, ratings, discussions, comments, messages, survey responses, and other communications, as well as files, images , photographs, video, sound recordings, musical works and other content (collectively, “User Content”). User Content may be submitted or posted via forums, bulletin boards, discussion groups, chat rooms, surveys, blogs, or other communication facilities that may be offered on, through, or in connection with the Site or the Services from time to time. You may be required to have an account to submit User Content.

User Content Creator: By contributing any User Content, you represent and warrant that you are the creator of the User Content or, if acting on the creator’s behalf, that you have express and advance permission from the creator to submit or post the User Content. user, and that you have all rights necessary to grant the licenses and grants set forth in this Agreement with respect to that User Content. You further represent and warrant (or, if acting on behalf of the User Content creator, you have been assured that the creator represents and warrants) that sharing the User Content for the purposes you have selected will not violate or infringe any copyright , trademark or any other intellectual property rights or rights of third parties, including rights of publicity or privacy.

Restrictions: You will not upload, post or make available on the Site any material protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. Absconditus has no express burden or responsibility to provide you with any indications, marks, or anything else that may help you determine whether the material in question is copyrighted or trademarked. You will be solely responsible for any damages resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, proprietary rights or any other damages resulting from such submission. Other restrictions and prohibited activities that you should be aware of are listed in section 5 below.

Use of User Content: Absconditus has the sole and absolute right, but not the obligation, to review, edit, post, refuse to post, remove, and monitor User Content. Absconditus further has the sole and absolute right, but not the obligation, to disclose User Content and the circumstances surrounding its transmission to any third party, at any time and for any reason, including to determine compliance with this Agreement and any rules operative. established by Absconditus, as well as to satisfy any applicable law, regulation or authorized governmental request. Without limiting the foregoing, Absconditus has the right to remove any material from the Site in its sole and absolute discretion. Absconditus assumes no responsibility for any User Content or other information that appears on or is removed from the Site or elsewhere. Absconditus is under no obligation to use your User Content and may not use it at all.

Modification or Deletion of User Content: In some circumstances and from time to time, it is possible to modify or delete User Content that you submit or post through your Account. Absconditus does not represent or warrant that User Content you modify or remove will be modified or removed from the Site or elsewhere, or that User Content will no longer appear on the Internet, on search engines, social networking websites, or in any another form, medium or technology.

Public Nature of User Content: You understand and agree that User Content is public. Anyone (whether or not a user of the Absconditus Services) can read your User Content without your knowledge. Do not include any additional personal information or any other information in your User Content unless you want it to be publicly disclosed. Absconditus is not responsible for the use or disclosure of any personal information or any other information that you disclose in connection with User Content.

Disclaimer: Any User Content of any kind created by you or any third party is made by the respective authors or distributors and not by Absconditus. Other users may post User Content that is inaccurate, misleading or misleading. Absconditus does not endorse and is not responsible for any User Content, and will not be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on such User Content. User Content reflects the views of the person submitting it and does not reflect the views of Absconditus. Absconditus does not control or endorse any User Content, and specifically disclaims any liability related to your contribution to, use of, or reliance on any User Content and any actions resulting from your participation in any part of the Site or Services, including any User Content. objectionable.

Grant: Some User Content you submit to Absconditus may be displayed or you may be given the option to display it in connection with your personal information, or some of your personal information, including, without limitation, your name, initials, username, network social website user account name, image, likeness, preferences, voice and location. You grant Absconditus a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, fully paid-up, non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide right to use, display, distribute, offer for sale, and sell the personal information in connection with your User Content, whether whether the User Content appears alone or as part of other works, and in any form, media, or technology, either now known or later developed, and sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees, all without compensation to you. However, Absconditus will have no obligation to use your personal information in connection with any User Content.

License: As between you and Absconditus, you shall retain all of your ownership rights in the User Content that you submit or post. However, by contributing User Content or other information on or through the Site, you grant Absconditus and the Absconditus Group a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, fully paid-up, non-exclusive, transferable, and world. , reproduce, create derivative works from, publish, edit, translate, distribute, perform, display, transmit, offer for sale, and sell User Content alone or as part of other works in any form, media, or technology now known or in the future developed, and sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees and without compensation to you. You waive any “moral rights” or other rights with respect to attribution of authorship or integrity of materials relating to User Content that you may have under any applicable law under any legal theory. Absconditus’s license on any User Content or personal information submitted includes use for promotions, advertising, marketing, market research, merchant feedback, quality control, or any other lawful purpose.

Copyright Procedures: Absconditus reserves the right to terminate your or a third party’s right to use the Site if such use infringes another’s copyright. Absconditus may, under appropriate circumstances and in its sole discretion, terminate your or a third party’s right to access the Site, if Absconditus determines that you or a third party is a repeat infringer.

Unsolicited Ideas: We do not accept or consider, directly or through Absconditus, unsolicited ideas of any kind, including ideas or suggestions related to new or improved products, improvements, names or technologies, advertising and marketing campaigns, plans or other promotions. Do not send us (or any of our employees) any unsolicited ideas, suggestions, materials, images or other work in any form (“Unsolicited Materials”). If you send us Unsolicited Materials, you understand and agree that the following terms will apply, notwithstanding any cover letter or other terms that accompany them:

Absconditus is under no obligation to review any unsolicited material, or to maintain the confidentiality of any unsolicited material; and Absconditus will own and may use and redistribute unsolicited materials for any purpose, without restriction and free of any obligation to acknowledge or compensate you.


The Standards We Operate Under: Absconditus always does its best in what it does and promises that:

we will exercise reasonable care and skill to perform our obligations under this Agreement; and

and we will not contravene the requirements of professional care in what we do.

Section 4 Matters!: This Section 4 supersedes all other sections of this Agreement and sets forth our entire Liability with respect to performance, default, alleged performance, or delay in performance of this Agreement or the Services or the Site or any purchase (or any part of them); or otherwise in connection with this Agreement or the entering into or performance of this Agreement.

What we are responsible for: Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit our Liability for

(i) fraud;

(ii) death or personal injury caused by our negligence;

(iii) gross misconduct by us, excluding gross misconduct not committed by Absconditus; either

(iv) any Liability that cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.

Categories of loss for which we are not responsible: Notwithstanding Section 4.3, since we only provide the Site and Services for your non-commercial use, we are never responsible for:

loss of earnings or income;

loss of actual or anticipated earnings;

loss of business; either

indirect or consequential loss (and for the avoidance of doubt, we understand the words “consequential loss” to mean “consequential losses, whether foreseeable, known, anticipated or not”).


Accurate Information: You warrant that all information provided in Registration and contained as part of your Account during the course of this Agreement is true, complete and accurate and that you will promptly inform us of any changes to such information by updating the details in your Account. .

Content on the Site: It is your responsibility to ensure that any Items or information (or Products) available through the Site meet your specific requirements.

Things You May Not Do: Without limitation, you agree not to use or allow anyone else to use the Services or the Site:

to upload, send or receive any material, including User Content, that is not courteous or in good taste;

to upload, send or receive any material, including User Content, that is unlawful, harmful, tortious, threatening, abusive, harassing, hateful, racist, homophobic, infringing, pornographic, violent, misleading, grossly offensive, in an indecent manner , obscene, or threatening, profane, defamatory, or libelous nature of any person or entity, in contempt of court or breach of trust, or infringes the rights of another person or entity, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets , patents, rights of personality, publicity or privacy or any other rights of third parties;

upload, send or receive any material, including User Content, for which you have not obtained all necessary licenses and/or approvals (from us or from third parties); or that constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or would otherwise be contrary to the law or infringe the rights of any third party in any country in the world;

upload, send or receive any material that is technically harmful (including computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data, malicious software, harmful data or anything else that may interrupt, interfere with, corrupt or otherwise manner to cause loss, damage, destruction or limitation of the functionality of any computer software or equipment);

cause unnecessary annoyance, discomfort or anxiety;

intercept or attempt to intercept any communication transmitted over a telecommunications system;

for a purpose other than that for which we designed it or for which it was intended to be used;

for any fraudulent purpose; either

in any way that is calculated to incite hatred against any ethnic, religious or other minority or is otherwise calculated to negatively affect any individual, group or entity.

Prohibited Uses: The following uses of the Site and Services are expressly prohibited and you agree not to do (or allow anyone else to do) any of the following:

resell the Services or the Site;

providing false information, including false names, addresses and contact details and the fraudulent use of credit/debit card numbers;

attempt to circumvent our security or network, including accessing data that is not intended for you, logging into a server or Account that you are not expressly authorized to access, or testing the security of other networks (such as running a port scan );

accessing the Services (or the Site) in such a way as to impose or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure or otherwise disrupt or interfere with its functionality, efficiency or operation, or commit any act that imposes or imposes;

perform any form of network monitoring that intercepts data not intended for you;

send unsolicited email messages, including sending “junk mail” or other advertising material to people who did not specifically request such material. You are expressly prohibited from sending unsolicited bulk email messages. This includes mass mailing of commercial advertising, promotional or informational announcements, and political or religious pamphlets. Said material may only be sent to those who have explicitly requested it. If a recipient requests to stop receiving emails of this nature, you may not send any further emails to that person;

create or forward “chain letters” or other “pyramid schemes” of any kind, whether or not the recipient wishes to receive such mailings; send malicious email, including flooding a user or site with very large or numerous emails;

enter into fraudulent interactions or transactions with us, a Seller or a Merchant (including entering into interactions or transactions purportedly on behalf of a third party where you do not have the authority to bind that third party or purport to be a third party);

use the Services or the Site (or any relevant functionality of either) in breach of this Agreement; unauthorized use of, or falsification of, email header information;

engage in any illegal or criminal activity in connection with the use of the Services and/or the Site or any Product; either

copy or use any User Content for commercial purposes.

Equipment: The Services and use of the Site do not include the provision of a computer or other equipment necessary to access the Site or the Services. To use the Site or Services, you will need an Internet connection and appropriate telecommunications links. We will not be responsible for telephone charges, telecommunication charges or other costs that you may incur.


Errors and Omissions: We are not responsible for any errors or omissions (eg, listing a Product at $1.99 instead of $199) if we have met the standards set forth in Section 4 of this Agreement. We will use reasonable efforts to correct any errors or omissions as soon as possible after being notified. We reserve the right to change, modify, substitute, suspend, or remove without notice any Products, Items, Services, or information on the Site or that form part of the Services from time to time.

Viruses and the Like: We make no guarantee that the Services or the Site are free of viruses or anything else that may have a harmful effect on any technology.

Stop Access: Although we will try to allow uninterrupted access to the Services and the Site, access to the Services and the Site may be suspended, restricted, or terminated at any time. Your access to the Site and/or the Services may also be restricted from time to time to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will try to restore such access as soon as we can. We also reserve the right to block access to and/or edit or remove any material that, in our reasonable opinion, may result in a breach of this Agreement.

Account Termination: We reserve the right to terminate Accounts if any user is violating our terms of use (i.e. this Agreement), including if they are seen to be using proxy IPs (Internet Protocol addresses) to attempt to hide usage. from multiple Accounts, or if a user pretends to be located in a different country from where they actually reside, or if they discontinue the Site or Services in any way.

Multiple Accounts: If you use multiple accounts, if we take action against you, action may be taken against all of your accounts.


If you (or someone other than you, with your permission) uses the Services or the Site in violation of this Agreement, we may suspend your use of the Services and/or the Site (in whole or in part).

If we suspend the Services or the Site, we may refuse to restore the Services or the Site until we receive assurance from you, in a form we deem acceptable, that there will be no further breach of the provisions of this Agreement.

Absconditus will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authority or court order requesting or directing Absconditus to disclose the identity or locate any person in violation of this Agreement.

Without limitation to anything else in this section 7, we shall be entitled immediately or at any time (in whole or in part) to:

i) suspend the Services and/or the Site;
ii) suspend your use of the Services and/or the Site;

iii) suspend the use of the Services and/or the Site for people we believe are connected (in any way) with you; and/or iv) terminate this Agreement immediately if:

you commit any breach of this Agreement;

we reasonably suspect that you have breached, may, or will breach this Agreement; either

we reasonably suspect that you may have committed or are committing fraud against us or any other person.

Notwithstanding anything else in this Section 7, we may terminate this Agreement at any time.

Our right to terminate this Agreement will not prejudice any other rights or remedies we may have with respect to any breach or any rights, obligations or liabilities accruing prior to termination.


Please see our Privacy Statement which is part of this Agreement.


Any advertisement may be delivered on our behalf by a third-party advertising company, which may, on our behalf, place or recognize a unique “cookie” on your browser. If you would like more information about this practice and your choices about not having this information used by any company, please see our Cookie Policy and Privacy Statement.


Where the Site contains links to third party sites and resources provided by third parties (together, “Other Sites”), those Other Sites are linked solely to provide information and are solely for your convenience. We have no control over, do not accept, and do not assume any responsibility for Other Sites or for the content or products of Other Sites (including those linked to social networking sites such as Facebook) and do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If you decide to access any of the Third Party Sites linked to the Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.


Absconditus grants you a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable license to access and use the Site in accordance with this Agreement and any additional terms and policies set forth by Absconditus. All intellectual property rights (including all copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, social media identifiers, designs, registered or unregistered) in the Site and the Services, ( subject to section 11.4 below) materials, information and content on the Site or accessed as part of the Services, any databases operated by us, all Site design, text, graphics, software, photos, videos , music, sound, data, all software compilations, underlying source code and software (including applets and scripts), and all their selection, coordination, arrangement and improvement remain our property (or that of our licensors). You shall not, and shall not attempt to, obtain any property or title to such property. All rights reserved.

None of the materials listed in section 11.1 above, in whole or in part, may be reproduced, distributed, copied, modified, distributed, posted, downloaded, displayed, posted, performed or transmitted in any form or by any means, sold , rented. , resold, licensed or sublicensed, used to create derivative works, or exploited in any way without the prior written permission of Absconditus or the copyright owner, except as otherwise expressly provided under copyright law. author. However, you may retrieve and display content from the Site on a computer screen, or store such content electronically (but not on any server or other network-attached storage device). You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy, distribute, display, perform, or use for any commercial purpose any of the materials, information, or content on the Site without our permission. If downloading, copying, redistribution, retransmission, or posting of copyrighted material is permitted by law, you will provide independent attribution and/or make no changes to or delete any author attribution, trademark legend, or copyright notice . You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading copyrighted material. Any violation of these restrictions may result in infringement of copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right that may subject you to civil and/or criminal penalties. In addition, you may not make any use that exceeds or violates this Agreement.

Absconditus owns trademarks, registered and unregistered, in many countries and “Absconditus”, the Absconditus logos and variations thereof found on the Site are trademarks owned by Absconditus and all use of these marks is in the best interest of Absconditus .

Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in the content accessed through the Site and Services are owned by the applicable content owner or Merchant and may be protected by copyright, trademark or other law applicable. This Agreement does not grant you any rights to such content, except for the licenses granted herein.

Except with respect to User Content, the authors of literary and artistic works on the pages of the Site have asserted their moral rights to be identified as the authors of such works.

Any material you transmit, post or submit to the Site (or otherwise to us) will be considered (and we may treat it as) non-confidential and non-proprietary, subject to section 3, our obligations under data protection legislation and subject to any payment details you provide for the purpose of making a payment. If for any reason any part of that statement does not work as a matter of law, then for anything you provide to us from any source (ie, by email, the Site, or otherwise) you grant us a perpetual license free of royalties. , irrevocable, sublicensable, fully paid, transferable, non-exclusive right to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publish, distribute, display and perform throughout the world any such material, and in any form, medium or technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, and sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees, all without compensation to you, for the purpose of operating the Site and providing the Services.


Interpretation: In this Agreement:

words denoting persons include individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, corporate entities, and unincorporated associations of persons;

section headings such as (“12. GENERAL” at the beginning of this section) and section titles (such as “Interpretation:” at the beginning of this section 12.1) are for ease of reference only and do not form part of or affect the interpretation of this Agreement; and

References to “include” and “including” shall be deemed to mean, respectively, “include(s) without limitation” and “including without limitation”.

No Partnership/Agency: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a joint venture, partnership or agency relationship between you and us and neither party shall have the right or authority to incur any liability, debt or cost or enter into any contract or other arrangements in the name or on behalf of the other party.

No Other Terms: Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, all warranties, conditions, and other terms, whether express or implied, statutory, common law, or otherwise, are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Assignment: You may not assign, delegate or otherwise deal with all or any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement. We shall have the right to assign all or any of our rights and/or delegate or subcontract our obligations under this Agreement to any person.

Events Outside Our Reasonable Control: We will not be liable for any breach of our obligations under this Agreement where we are hindered or prevented from performing our obligations for any cause beyond our reasonable control.

No Waiver: No waiver by us of any breach by you under this Agreement shall operate or be construed as a waiver by us of any future breach, whether similar or different in character. No grant of time or other leniency or leniency by us shall in any way release, release, or affect your Liability under this Agreement.

Notices: Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, notices to be given to either party will be in writing and delivered by hand, by email (unless notice is given to us for the purpose of a legal process) sent by facsimile or postage prepaid, to you at the address you provided to us or to us at our registered office.

No Third Party Rights: You hereby agree and acknowledge that Absconditus is entering into this Agreement for its own benefit, but also as agent for the benefit of and on behalf of Absconditus and our third party content providers and licensors (“Third Party Rights Holders”) and that all rights and benefits of Absconditus (but not charges or obligations) under or in connection with this Agreement, including those in indemnification, contract, tort, or otherwise arising, shall be the rights and benefits of each of the Holders rights of third parties (as if each were a party to this Agreement). Such rights and benefits will be enforceable under this Agreement by Absconditus itself and/or as agent of any or all Third Party Rights Holders.

Survival: In any case, the provisions of sections 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12 and 13 of this Agreement, together with those provisions that are expressed to survive their expiration or extinction or by their nature or context are anticipate that they will survive such termination, they will survive the termination of the Agreement. In the event you use the Services or the Site again, the provisions of the terms and conditions that apply at that time will govern your reuse of the Services or the Site. In the event you use Products purchased under this Agreement, the provisions applicable to the Products will survive the termination of this Agreement.

Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severable and, where possible, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement will not be affected.

Applicable Law: This Agreement (and all non-contractual relationships between you and us) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland.

Cancellations and Returns

You have the legal right to cancel your account at any time; however, if you redeem a Product, you expressly request that the services begin to be provided to you and you acknowledge that you lose your right to cancel the purchase of this Product. Since Absconditus is not responsible for the supply or provision of the Commercial Offer, once your Product is redeemed, Absconditus has completed its services to you in full.

If you wish to cancel your account you can do so in any of the following ways:

by emailing us at support@Absconditus.com

If you cancel your account in accordance with this section 13, Absconditus will refund your payment within 14 calendar days from the day you informed Absconditus of your cancellation.

If you redeem your Product, but the Merchant or Absconditus Shop has not properly provided you with the Merchant Offer or if you have a complaint regarding the provision of the Merchant Offer, you must take action against the Merchant directly. This is because the Merchant, not Absconditus, is responsible for the supply and/or provision of the Merchant’s Offer. Absconditus only sells and supplies the Product. However, if you and the Merchant cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, Absconditus may, at your request, try to help resolve the problem between you and the Merchant.

Unless you expressly inform Absconditus in advance not to do so, any refund will be returned to you via your original method of payment. If your original payment method has been cancelled, expired or has changed, you must inform the customer support team immediately at support@Absconditus.co. If you don’t and your original payment method is refunded, you may need to work with your bank or payment service provider to get your refund. Absconditus will not provide more than one refund.

You have 30 days from the date you receive the refund to reject it. If you do not reject the refund within these 30 days, the refund will constitute the full and final settlement of any and all claims you may have against Absconditus relating to, arising out of, or in connection with that Product.

merchandise information

We are not the manufacturer: We are not the manufacturer of the Goods we sell. Whilst we work to ensure that the Goods match the description we have provided, are of satisfactory quality and fit for use, the Goods may vary slightly from such product information. We encourage you to read all information presented on the labels, warnings, and instructions accompanying the Products prior to use. Any warranty provided by us, the manufacturer or the importer does not affect the legal rights and claims that you may assert under the contract.

Accuracy of Descriptions: We have taken reasonable steps to display the colors and other details of the Products as accurately as possible. However, the colors and details you see in the advertisement will depend on the equipment you use to view the Products. We cannot guarantee that the display of any color or other detail on your television, mobile device, computer monitor or other device will exactly reflect the color or detail of the Goods at the time of delivery.

Healthcare Goods and Safety: For Healthcare Goods, in case of safety concerns or for any other information about a product, we recommend that you carefully read the information provided with the product or contact with the manufacturer. The content of the website is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a licensed physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. Clients should contact their healthcare provider immediately if they suspect they have a medical problem. The information and statements about the Goods are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. We do not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies or misstatements about Products by manufacturers or other third parties.


In this Agreement, we use various defined terms. You will know that they are defined because they start with a capital letter. This is what they mean: “Account” means your Absconditus Account.

“Liability” means liability in or for any cause of action (including breach of contract, tort, misrepresentation, restitution, or any other cause of action) relating to or arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (including liability expressly provided for under this Agreement). Agreement or arising out of the invalidity or unenforceability of any term of this Agreement), and for purposes of this definition, all references to “Agreement” shall be deemed to include any collateral agreements.

“Merchant” means a Seller of Products for which a Product may be redeemed. A Merchant is NOT any of the Sellers or Absconditus.

“Site” means a website, mobile application, electronic communication or service, social networking site, or any individual, business partner-specific, merchant-specific, city-specific, or other area-specific website that link or reference these terms of use. .

“Register” means creating an Account on the Site, and “Register” means the act of creating an Account.

“Services” means all or any of the services provided by Absconditus through the Site (or through other electronic or other communications from Absconditus), including mobile applications, our newsletter, emails we send to you, and information services , content and transaction capabilities on the Site (including the ability to make a purchase).

“Product” means a product sold by Sellers and that can be exchanged for Products from a relevant Merchant, subject to the terms and conditions listed on the Product itself and/or on the offer page of the Site from which it was purchased. the product.

“Products” means goods and/or services that are described as part of a Product (and for which a Product can be redeemed).